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  • Luke Nuttall (Level Designer)

  • Callum Norris (Audio)

  • Bob Keenan (Programming)

Neon Rush

Neon Rush is a first person free running game made in the unreal engine. It is set in the future as you are running and jumping across rooftops high in the sky. There are also different mechanics such as a grapple hook and buster jump to help you get around.It is a linear game in which you need to get from start to finish in the quickest time possible. I made it this way so it would be easier for the player to see where they were going and how to get there.


For this project I was mainly the Level designer, this was the job I took my seriously and one that I take great pride in doing. I would start my level designs by drawing on paper or doing a quick drawing in Microsoft paint to plan out what I wanted my level to look like and plan it out, this might change once I get into the engine as I might start to get new ideas or change what I have. Once I have my ideas down and would load up the engine and start in some 3-D software to start white boxing the level to get a 3D view of what I wanted, once I was happy with it I would start replacing the white box with full buildings.I worked on this project with three other people in a small indie group for our final year university project. We have been working on this project since October of 2018 till November of 2019 working with Game talent Wales to help us with the project after we finished university. 


With Game Talent Wales help we were able to take Neon Rush to EGX London to showcase Neon Rush at the Game Talent Wales booth at EGX. It was fantastic to go to EXG and to have people come to play our game and get some great feedback which was very positive, with particular reference made to the art style and the level layouts.

Level One

Level Two

Tutorial Level

Luke Nuttall. Proudly created with

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